Toys for Tots!

Toys For Tots

Webb & Goldsmith Orthodontics will be collecting new, unwrapped toys and non-perishable food items up until December 4th for the Second Harvest Food Bank and Toys for Tots.

For every unwrapped toy or food item brought in, you will receive a ticket to join us for a Holiday Party which include pizza, games and giveaways.

The party will be Thursday December 4th, from 4-7 at the Webb & Goldsmith Orthodontics office.

Toys for Tots:

New, unused, unwrapped toys for all ages


For Second Harvest food Bank Non- Perishable Items most needed:

Canned Meats                         

Baby Food & Cereal (Glass Jars Accepted)

Cake Mixes

Canned Tuna and Salmon                        

Baby Formula (Enfamil/Similac)             

Pancake Mix

Peanut Butter                        

Granola Bars                                                        


Jelly (no glass)                                         

Cereal Bars                                                        


Canned or Dry Soups                         

Granulated Sugar                         

Powdered Milk

Canned Stews and Chili                         

Canned Gravy                                                       

Hot and Cold Cereals

Tea Bags                          


Canned Pasta (Spaghetti “O’s”)

Coffee (ground no beans)                        

Canned Beans                         

Juice Boxes

Canned Pasta                         

Canned Juices                                                      

Canned Fruits

Canned Vegetables                    

Packaged Pasta (Macaroni & Cheese, etc.)

**Please No Perishable or Glass Items**